Gu, Y., Airola, B., Wang, Y., Shao, A., & Durvasula, K. (2025, January 9-12). The CV Coordination in English and Mandarin [Poster session]. The 2025 Annual Meeting of the Linguistic Society of America. Philadelphia, PA, United States.
Gu, Y. & Peters, R. (2024, January 4-7). English Coronal Stop Deletion Is Categorical Not Gradient [Paper presentation]. The 98th Annual Meeting of the Linguistic Society of America. New York, NY, United States.
Gu, Y. & Durvasula, K. (2023, October 20-22). The Link Between Sonority Sequencing and Gestural Coordination [Paper presentation]. The Annual Meeting on Phonology. Johns Hopkins University. Baltimore, MD, United States.
Gu, Y. & Durvasula, K. (2023, October 20-21). The Systematic Variation of Gestural Coordination Due to Sonority [Paper presentation]. The 28th Annual MidPhon Conference. Purdue University, West Lafayette, IN, United States.
Gu, Y. (2023, January 5-8). Exploring the Effect of Stress on Gestural Coordination [Paper presentation]. The 97th Annual Meeting of the Linguistic Society of America. Denver, CO, United States.
Gu, Y. (2022, October 21–23). Stress As a Prosodic Gesture [Poster session]. The Annual Meeting on Phonology. University of California, Los Angeles, CA, United States.
Gu, Y. (2022, September 23–25). Mandarin Hai: A Focus Operator [Paper presentation]. The 34th North American Conference on Chinese Linguistics. Indiana University, Bloomington, IN, United States.
Gu, Y. (2022, May 25-27). The Sonority Sequencing Principle Is Perceptual Not Phonological [Poster session]. The 29th Manchester Phonology Meeting. United Kingdom.
Ye, Y. & Gu, Y. (2021, January 30). Is Nasalization Phonological or Coarticulatory in Chinese? An Acoustic Study on Beijing Mandarin and Chengdu Dialect [Poster session]. The 25th Annual MidPhon Conference. University of Illinois Urbana-Champaign, Champaign, IL, United States.
Gu, Y. (2020, September 18-20). Mandarin Self-referential Expressions: A Sociolinguistic Study [Paper presentation]. The 32nd North American Conference on Chinese Linguistics. University of Connecticut, Storrs, CT, United States.